At our final meeting of 2020, we spent the evening with Amy Singer, Editor, Publisher and Founder of the Knitty.com magazine. Amy launched Knitty.com in 2002 “to feature the knitting talent she’d been seeing on blogs all over the world in one tidy, professional-looking website”. In the 18 years since its debut, the quarterly Knitty magazine has launched many designers and published hundreds of patterns.
After a Knitty FO Fashion Show, followed by Amy’s presentation, chatter about a Knitty make-along soon started, and, well… here we are. All TKG Members are invited to the Knitty Make-Along (MAL)! Find all the details about participating below, the party links will be shared closer to the event.
Cast-on Party
Monday, January 4, 2021 – 7:00pm to 9:00pm EST
Want some company? We’ll be hanging out on Zoom for a couple hours. Pop in and say hi.
Progress Party
Tuesday, February 2, 2021 – 7:00pm to 9:00pm EST
How’s that project coming along? We’ll be hanging out again if you want to stop by and say hi.
Dress Code
Wear a Knitty FO if you have one.
Drink Code
Anything that makes you happy
Yarn Code
Anything Knitty
More Codes
You are welcome to select any knitty.com pattern.
Works-in-progress (WIP) are encouraged!
Photos are allowed in the Ravelry thread, including the not-so-perfect ones
For social media posts use the following handles / hashtags:
@torontoknittersguild, @knittymag, #knittyMAL2021
Start Date & Cast-on Party: January 4, 2021
Progress Party: February 2, 2021
End Date: February 20, 2021
FO Finished Object
MAL Make-along
TKG Toronto Knitters Guild
WIP Work-in-Progress