Join Kate Atherley and Kim McBrien Evans for a deep dive tour of their new book, Custom Shawls for the Curious and Creative Knitter. Kim and Kate will give an overview of the elements of the book, how they used these elements in building the beautiful shawl patterns in the book, and what’s on their needles a year after writing it. Through learning about how both Kate and Kim approach shawl design, you’ll get tips for creating your own amazing shawls through this book. Full meeting details . . .
This will be a virtual meeting via ZOOM. Log in from 7:15 pm for a 7:30 pm start.
In order for the presentation to run smoothly, the meeting will be conducted as a webinar. Participants will be muted but will be able to post questions for the presenter and communicate with other participants via the text chat function.
Registration required
Please register in advance for this webinar. This meeting is open to guests free of charge.
Once you have registered, you will receive the Zoom meeting link via email.