The Toronto Knitters Frolic is coming up soon and we are looking for volunteers! Every year our team of amazing volunteers helps the Guild run this successful and fun event. Please join us in making this another great Frolic year! Those who complete at least one two-hour shift will gain free admission to the 2020 Frolic.
Please send an email to Sarah at frolicvolunteers@torontoknittersguild.ca and indicate your preference for am/pm and role (or indicate no preference, and we will slot you in where most needed).
We are currently looking for people to help with:
– Admissions
– Info Desk
– Raffle Table
– Hospitality Suite
– Ball Winding
Frolic info:
Saturday April 25, 2020, 9:00 – 4:30
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
6 Garamond Court, Toronto
Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!