Photography Policy

In order to ensure we are providing a safe and comfortable space for all, and to allow participants to have a clear opportunity to “opt out” if they don’t wish to be photographed at in-person meetings, we have made some adaptations to our photography guidelines for Guild meetings going forward.

1) We will designate the left-hand bank of seating (when attendees are seated, looking at the stage, it will be the left side bank of seats) as a zone where the Guild photographer will not approach seated people for photos, and will ensure that members will not be captured in the background of shots while sitting there.

2) Prior to taking anyone’s photos at the meetings or other TKG-hosted events, our photographer will ask the individual(s) if s/he/they would like their photo taken. If Show & Tell presenters wish to have no photo taken or just a photo close-up of the item and not of themselves, they can inform the photographer of their wishes at the time.

As all the photos taken at the meetings are posted to our Flickr stream (which is linked to from our website), and some may eventually be used on our other platforms (website, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), those who don’t wish to be included can opt out of having their photo taken.

3) We also respectfully remind attendees that if you are taking photos at a meeting to be respectful of people’s requests not to be photographed or taped.