
The Toronto Knitters Guild wants to re-affirm its commitment to being an open, inclusive and welcoming community for knitters, crocheters and other fibre enthusiasts. The conversation on the lack of diversity and representation, racism, and white privilege in the fibre community that has been taking place online is an important one. It has illuminated the fact that this community appears to be made up of one type of person: rich, able-bodied, white women, when we know this community counts members from all genders, races, abilities, and religions.

The Board discussed this issue and is committed to encouraging representation in Guild events from all members of this diverse community. The board recognizes that the choice of many meeting speakers and vendors have contributed towards this lack of diversity and inclusion, and is working to support and spotlight vendors and speakers from many backgrounds and walks of life in our schedule going forward, and on the Guild’s social media networks and website.

We welcome comments, suggestions and ideas from members on this issue and also would like to invite any member who wishes to join the board, or take on a larger role in the Guild to step forward at a meeting or reach out and contact us at There is a place for you!