Next Meeting: February 21 | Doors Open: 6:30 | Meeting Starts: 7:30 Location: Innis Town Hall
February Meeting
Make It Fit!
Kim McBrien Evans of Indigo Dragonfly
As knitters, we are 100% in control of the fit of our garments. Literally building sweaters stitch by stitch, there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t have great fitting clothing. Let’s take some time to look at what makes a great fitting garment from fabric to finishing, demystify “ease” and how to choose a “size” that incorporates all of those things for YOU.
A measurement session will follow this talk. If you wish to participate please bring:
- tape measure
- pen or pencil
And wear:
- a thin, close fitting top for best results (think about the kind of clothing you usually wear with sweaters: t shirt, thin blouse, tank top, etc)
- Jeans or pants with pockets in front can be helpful for some measurements
President’s Update
I am very happy to report that the Constitution & Bylaws of the Toronto Knitters Guild passed Unanimously at our January 17 meeting.
Thank you to Guild members Janet Deline and Dale Hendry for their assistance in drafting and reviewing the documents, to the Board for their review and comments, and to all the Guild Members for their thoughtful review, comments and suggestions. This wouldn’t have happened without all of you!
The Constitution & Bylaws reside permanently on our Website under the About menu.
Our January 2018 meeting was our first Men’s Night, in which we celebrated Knitting For and By Men! I am very happy to tell you that 12 of the 112 people in attendance were Men. Thank you all for coming to hear Eric’s wonderful talk on How to knit for men and for sharing your handknits for men and all the related stories.
Late last year, Sue G told me about Yarn Canada’s request for submissions to receive donations of yarn to be used for good causes. The prizes consisted of $500 each to an American and a Canadian group, plus $100 each to 10 Canadian or American individuals. I submitted a few paragraphs telling them about the Guild’s charitable initiatives, and we were selected as the Canadian group recipient! Stay tuned for more info, we haven't received the yarn yet.
Carol Mather Miles
Guild President
There will be no vendor at our April 18 meeting. Instead, we’re inviting you all to participate in a Member Destash. This will be a great opportunity to unload some less-loved yarn to make some space in your stash for more Frolic shopping! Details to come.
Our June 20 Meeting is going to be our annual Work of Our Hands Fashion Show!
Tammy has agreed to coordinate the Fashion Show, and is looking for a few volunteers to work with her. Contact for more info.
June 9 is World Wide Knit In Public (WWKIP) Day, and we are going to host an event at the Wychwood Barns. If you would like to participate in the planning for this fun event, please contact
Charity Knitting
Knitted Knockers has been added to our Charity Knitting page. More information is available under the About menu on our website.
The Kawartha Hooks and Needles Guild is inviting us to attend a Workshop with Lucy Neatby on Wednesday, April 18, 2018. Workshops are $45 each; maximum 22 students per session. Click here for more information or to download the registration form.
Welcome Spring 2018 at the Sixth Annual YarnOver SleepOver Retreat
April 20-22, 2018 | Fern Resort, Orillia, ON
YOSO will again be offering your choice of 3 classes for beginner and experienced knitters, crocheters, felters and dyers. There is always a spot for convivial stitching and conversation when you are not in class or browsing for yarn, patterns, books, kits and accessories in our marketplace.
Learn from our terrific teachers –
Julia Bryant, Gayle Clow, Trish Denhoed, Elizabeth Fallone, Deb Gemmell, Lyn Gemmell, Mary Pat McDonald and Carol Tomany.
Reserve Your Spot Today!
The YarnOver SleepOver Retreat price of $600 includes 3 classes, shared accommodations (single supplement), meals ordered from a full menu, all-day snacks, welcoming goodie bags, and chances for door prizes.
Call Fern Resort at 1-800-567-3376 to reserve your space with a $100 deposit now. All the details can be found at
Kawartha Yarn & Fibre Festival is a single day event taking place June 9, 2018 (10am – 5pm) at Fenelon Falls Secondary School, in the hearth of the City of Kawartha Lakes. We will be showcasing local and independent vendors, with a unique mini-market for small businesses designed specifically to help small companies with great products put a spotlight on their unique products. We aim to attract passionate fiber artists of all types. Knitters, crocheters, spinners and felters will all find something perfect for them. There are classes available, to be announced in early February, and a great refreshment station with lots of yummy treats! Come out and join in the fun!
You can find more information about the event, buy tickets, and sign up for updates at
March Meeting
Guest Speaker: Lesley Snyder of Rosehaven Yarn Shop
Rosehaven Yarn Shop, located in Picton, Prince Edward County, carries indie-dyed yarns and various yarn labels, including Quince & Co. and Brooklyn Tweed. They also carry fibres for spinning and weaving, and of course everything you need for felting. Check out their online store.
Join our DEstash/REstash Make Along for 2018!
We are excited to be hosting our first Make Along (MAL) starting February 1 and ending at 9:00am Eastern on Saturday, April 28th - the date of this year’s Toronto Knitters Frolic when the doors open.
It’s the time of year when many knitters and crafters resolve to go “cold sheep” or “use up my stash.” Let’s do it in community. If you are on social media, you can use the hashtags #DEstashREstashMAL2018 #torontoknittersfrolic #torontoknittersguild
All the details are available on Ravelry.
The Toronto Knitters Frolic is Coming!
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Save the Date
Be a Frolic Volunteer!
Don't just attend the Frolic, be a part of it! Sign up to volunteer at the next Guild meeting.
January Meeting In Review

Our first ever men's night was a great success!

Artfil Yarn: 1 skein Aran Merino, Blue - Celia Popovic
Artfil Yarn: 1 skein Merican DK, Orange - Gilda Grossman
Rib Magazine: Rib Magazine collection, volumes 1-3 - Jill Cameron
Stix & Stones and Feisty Fibre: Feisty Fibre Aran, Blue & Yellow Octopus Bag - Patricia Galinski
Thank you to Artfil Yarns for their donations to the January Raffle. Artfil Yarns are available at a variety of local yarn shops. Be sure and ask for Artfil Yarns at your LYS!
Thank you to Eric Lutz of Rib Magazine for contributing a full set of Rib Magazine, Volumes 1-3, to the January Raffle.
Thank you also to Rae of Stix & Stones and Karen of Feisty Fibres for the Special Raffle of a Project Bag and Skein of yarn!
Show & Tell
We had a great Show & Tell with 9 participants showing more than 20 garments! Thank you to everyone who shared their projects: Carol, Grace & Kevin, Carla, Patricia, Ramona, Jeff, Pat, Ursula and Trish.
Feature Speaker: Eric Lutz
Eric Lutz gave a very insightful talk on How to Knit for Men, focussing mostly on sweaters. We learned about how to choose a pattern, how to choose the yarn, and sizing considerations so that the Men in our lives might actually wear the garment we’ve knit them.
Eric commented that men, especially once they reach a certain age, may be spreading a bit around the middle, and will want their clothing to draw the eye away from that area. Therefore, choose a pattern that has some stitch interest across the upper chest or shoulders.
Like for women’s sweaters, the chest/bust is the most important measurement. Be sure and compare the dimensions on the schematic against the actual dimensions of your wearer. Many garments can be adjusted to fit a variety of men.
Sweaters with a pattern across the upper chest or shoulders suit most men, because they draw the eye away from that dreaded mid-section. All-over patterning, like cabling, may only suit your man if he is built like a fashion model.
Eric showed us a beautiful Bohus-style sweater in 2 versions, on the slim model and on the original, slightly sturdier, designer. It looks stunning on both body types! The trick is in the patterning across the shoulders.
Consider natural colours for most garments unless your man is Stephen West. Greys, Browns, Tans, and soft/muted Blues and Greens are generally accepted. Depending on your man, he may accept a Bright Pink, Turquoise, or Yellow hat, scarf, or other accent piece.
Another item to consider is the weight of the yarn. While it would appear that Fingering would make a light and comfortable sweater, it may actually be much warmer than a Worsted or Aran weight sweater. And the Worsted or Aran will certainly take a lot less yarn and time to knit (likely half!).
Before you embark on a major project like a sweater, which may take several months to create, make sure it is really wanted. Will it be worn more than once? Eric referred to the comments Carla Canonico made during the Show & Tell. She only knits a garment if the recipient tells her exactly what they want and the colour. Some people won’t wear a hand-knit garment, regardless of what you do. And some people will wear anything, just because you made it for them.
And after you’ve considered all this, maybe you decide that you’ll knit him a Hat or Scarf, because it’s less of an investment. Or perhaps a pair of socks?