Next Meeting: April 18 | Doors Open: 6:30 | Meeting Starts: 7:30 Location: Innis Town Hall
April Meeting
Guest Speaker: Fiona Ellis, Knitwear Designer & Knitting Trailblazer
Bathing Beauty
Bathing, that invigorating act of stepping into pool or sea in the company of others, has a history that drifts back to Roman times, possibly even earlier. How, where, and with whom we swim or bathe—and how it’s viewed by society—changed considerably between ancient and modern times. But whatever the era, these factors all contribute to how people choose to clothe themselves for a swim or a splash. Let’s dive in for a look at the evolution of western swimwear and the shifts in viewpoint that brought about those changes.
Vendor: Member Destash
The April meeting is your chance to be a TKG vendor! Bring some yarn you no longer want or need and offer it for sale to other TKG members in the big pre-Frolic Destash. A few rules apply: arrive early (by 6:30 pm), take home anything you don't sell, and be prepared to make change. And please send a note to if you plan to participate so we can set up the room.
Special Guests:
Girl Guides will be selling their Classic (vanilla & chocolate sandwich crème) cookies before the meeting. $5/box
Message from the President
As most of you probably know, the Toronto Knitters Guild is a solely Volunteer-run organization. Without a team of people willing to give a few hours a month, this guild would cease to exist.
I tell you this because we have a few positions on the Board to fill. Please see below for details and consider giving a bit of your time to the guild.
Constitution Amendment:
In January 2018, the Constitution was ratified unanimously by the Guild Membership. During the membership review period prior to acceptance of the constitution, a suggestion was made to include the Social aspect of the Guild in our Purpose. At the May AGM, we will be asking our Members to accept the proposed revision (in italics) to the constitution as follows:
Article 2 – Purpose
The objective of this organization is to provide a community for knitters:
- to improve the skill and artistry of fibre-related arts,
- to increase the interest in and knowledge of knitting and related activities,
- to promote fibre-related crafts in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA),
- to be a welcoming social group within the fibre arts community.
If you have any comments or concerns about this revision, please contact Carol Mather Miles or any other Board member.
Carol Mather-Miles
Guild President
Together We Can!
Have you ever considered becoming a part of our executive team? A Guild can’t operate without an executive working together to bring programs, events, socials, etc. to our members.
You know you have the time and energy! The TKG needs you to step forward!
We are seeking nominations for the following positions. You can nominate yourself or you can nominate a friend (with their permission).
Programme Coordinator
Newsletter Coordinator
Vice President
Newsletter Coordinator could be easily be filled by 2 (or more) people. There’s the technical/computer side of things, to put the newsletter content into MailChimp for distribution to the membership. And there’s the more creative writing side of things, especially to write up a summary of the last meeting.
Nominations are now open. Please ensure that if you are nominating someone, that they have agreed to have their name put forward.
All nominations must be delivered, by email, to:
Carole Adams
Deadline is Wednesday April 18th.
At our April Guild meeting, we will take a few moments to discuss the results and advise on the next steps. Should there be more than 1 nomination for a position; an election will be held at the May Guild meeting.
Have a question? Contact Carole Adams or any executive member. We’ll be happy to tell you all the wonderful benefits of being on the executive.
Our June 20 Meeting is going to be our annual Work of Our Hands Show!
This year there are even more ways to participate, be it fashion, accessory or decor! Have a fantastic piece of knitting to share? The deadline for submissions is May 16, 2018. Submissions will be accepted providing you complete the information requested in this form and sent by email using "Work of our Hands Show Submission" in the subject line or dropped off at the April guild meeting. Full details are available on the Guild Website.
New Memberships for 2018/19
Will be available for Purchase at the Frolic. And in case you are unable to attend the Frolic, 2018/19 Memberships will also be available for purchase at the April and May meetings.
This means New Members get up to 3 extra meetings for free, plus up to 5 extra months of discounts at the Local Yarn Shops who participate in our discount program.
World Wide Knit In Public (WWKIP) Day
Won’t you join us on June 9th for a fun Social Knit at the Wychwood Barns Park?
Bring your lawn chair or blanket, or sit on the grass, and knit, crochet, spin, whatever you like. The Farmers Market will be happening at the same time, so a variety of snacks and beverages will be available for purchase, or you can bring your own. Washrooms are located nearby, within the Barns.
The Wychwood Barns are at 601 Christie St south of St Clair; the Park is along the South side of the Barns. We’ll be there from 8am to 1pm. Just look for the Toronto Knitters Guild tent and Banner!
Don't forget to bring your Sunhat and Sunscreen!
St. James Cathedral Toronto Presents an Exhibit of Textile Artist Hilary Rice
St. James Cathedral Toronto will be presenting the inaugural showing of Hilary Rice’s new series, “Seeing Visions, Dreaming Dreams”. The exhibit and sale of embroideries by multi award-winning textile & mixed media artist Hilary Rice will take place from May 10-20, 2018. The exhibit is free and open to the public. Donations in support of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund welcome. More details are available on the St. James Cathedral website.
Save the Date! Travel in Style to Prince Edward County FibreFest, May 26, 2018
Would you like to go to the Prince Edward County FibreFest in Picton, Ontario, but don’t have a car or don’t fancy the 2-hour drive? The Toronto Knitters Guild has booked a Luxury Coach to take us!
There will be 2 pickup points for this trip. The first pickup will be Finch Station, for people who are coming from central Toronto and points West. The second pickup will be at Oshawa GO Station.
1st PICKUP – DEPART Finch TTC/GO Bus Station 8 am sharp
2nd PICKUP – DEPART Oshawa GO Station 8:30 am
ARRIVE Fleece Festival approx. 10:30 am
VISIT a Vineyard, approx. 3 pm (tentative)
RETURN Oshawa GO Station approx. 5:30 pm
RETURN Finch Station approx. 6 pm
We only have space for 54 persons, so get your ticket as soon as they are available!
Cost per seat is $40*
Admission to the Festival is $5, to be collected on the bus (Exact change, please)
Admission to the Winery tour and tasting is $5 + 15% gratuity = $5.75, to be collected on the bus (Exact change, please)
Please indicate your level of interest in the Winery visit in NOTES when you purchase.
The bus is fully Wheelchair Accessible, subject to availability.
Please contact Carol at if you have any questions or to confirm wheelchair availability.
May Meeting
Kirk is an actor, writer and corporate consultant – but his greatest love is knitting.
Kirk has been knitting since 1988 and began designing in 1996. He shares a love of colour and complex design with renowned textile designers Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably. In 1998, Kirk apprenticed at the Kaffe Fassett Studio in London, England.
Kirk has designed several sweaters, afghans and pieces of knitted art. His “Thousand Cranes” sweater design is award winning, his “Symmetricats” pillow design was published in A Needle Pulling Thread, and he recently designed a “Topsy Turvy” pillow for Topsy Farms yarn producers.
In 2003, Kirk was awarded a significant Ontario Arts Council Chalmers Foundation Fellowship for Stitched Glass, an installation of three 5’ x 8’ tapestries, knit in the style of stained glass, exploring the commonalities and conflicts between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Read full details on the Guild site >>
Join our DEstash/REstash Make Along for 2018!
We are excited to be hosting our first Make Along (MAL) starting February 1 and ending at 9:00am Eastern on Saturday, April 28th - the date of this year’s Toronto Knitters Frolic when the doors open.
It’s the time of year when many knitters and crafters resolve to go “cold sheep” or “use up my stash.” Let’s do it in community. If you are on social media, you can use the hashtags #DEstashREstashMAL2018 #torontoknittersfrolic #torontoknittersguild
All the details are available on Ravelry.
The Toronto Knitters Frolic is Coming!
April 28, 2018
9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
$8 Cash only
Japanese Canadian
Cultural Centre
6 Garamond Court, Toronto, ON
Visit the Frolic website for more details and follow #torontoknittersfrolic on Instagram.
2018 Vendors
A River of Yarn
Alpaca Avenue
Artfil Yarn
Bling Your String
Cabin Fever
Cottage Craft Angora
Creative Yarns
Gateway Fibreworks
Gemini Fibres
Georgetown Yarn
Grand River Yarns
HummingHill Alpacas
June Cashmere
Lichen and Lace
Linda’s Craftique
LizzieAnne Yarns
Needle Emporium
Northern Bay Fibres
Porch Swing Yarnsomniacs
Red Sock Blue Sock Yarn
Rosehaven Yarn Shop
Shall We Knit?
Sheeps Ahoy
Shelridge Yarns
Signature Yarns
Soak Wash Inc
Stix and Stones
Sweet Paprika Designs
The Blue Brick
The Knit Café
The Olive Sparrow
The Purple Purl
The Woodlot
Trailhead Yarns & Fibre
Unwind Yarn House
Van Dijk Designs
Wellington Fibres
Yarn Indulgences
Yarning for Excellence
Zig Zag Stitches
March Meeting In Review

An exercise in creative snacking.

Loop Yarn - Kim Hume
Knitting New Mittens & Gloves Book - Marilyn Brady
Signature Yarns: Saki Prism - Jeff Stewart
Windward Book - Margo Terry
Show & Tell

We had a great Show & Tell with 6 participants showing some truly beautiful work! Thank you to everyone who shared their projects: Jeff, Sarah Dawn, Susan, Margaret, Kim & Gilda.
Feature Speaker: Lesley Snyder

Lesley Snyder of Rosehaven Yarn Shop brought a bit of colour to our March meeting, just in time for spring!
While Lesley came to knitting later in life (in part to help her daughter learn to knit) it has become a true passion for her. Her early work focused on hats and showed a fun creative disregard for the rules. The hats were bight, with daring colour combinations and shapes that were "out of the box".
From knit hats Lesley moved on to felting, carrying over her flare for colour. Her approach to colour is an interesting one, it all comes down to food . . . or more specifically candy! Each audience member received a small packed of candies, and by combining flavours she brought new colour combinations to life: black liquorice and lemon jellybean for example. By embracing new ways of thinking about our creations we can find new inspiration for colour and shape.
In addition to her yarn shop and felting work, Lesley is one of the organizers of the Picton Fibre Festival. This has become a go-to festival for people in the area and much further.
If you are interested in attending the festival the Guild is organizing a bus trip. Visit the Guild website or see above for more details.